Week 11 of classes! At left you see a group hard at work in our English class discussing Corrie ten Boom's biography.
That same week, Hedrick Kual (a PIBC graduate now ministering in Palau) challenged the students in chapel to keep their focus on God and what He can do with their lives.
"Be still and know that I am God."
November 17 and 18, we held our Spiritual Emphasis Retreat: two days and one night spent at Rios Beach near the south end of the island. The students spent two hours Saturday morning in solitude, seeking God's presence and listening for Him to speak to them through prayer and the Word. Many students shared at
The weekend included lots of time for fellowship, music, laughter, relaxation, and the sharing of island traditions. Several of us learned about how islanders use
palm branches to weave mats which they use for sitting or sleeping.
"Give thanks with a grateful heart."
The next day, we met with our realtor to go over all of the final details to close escrow on our house (below left). We celebrated Thanksgiving Eve by signing the closing papers for buying our home and also attended a Thanksgiving Eve worship service where many members of our congregation gave thanks and glory to God for all the blessing they have experienced this past year. We shared our gratitude for the many people He provided who stand behind us, supporting us in prayer and through giving, so that we could be here. The next day, we joined
Home Sweet Jungle
us prepare our new home for occupancy and moved our "stuff" from the Sorenson's to our house. (Dale, Marion, and Joyce helped at BOTH ends of the journey!) We "bombed" the house for bugs Thanksgiving Day (only found a handful of cockroach, skink, frog, and gecko carcasses) and the next day, the cleanup and preparation began!
After a few days of deep cleaning and painting, the house was finally ready for furnishing! We had lots of willing workers who loaded, transported, and unloaded our furniture and boxes and boxes of "stuff" (where did it all come from!?) into our home. One
We are still in the midst of unpacking and finding essentials, but thankfully we have found our coffee pot, microwave and electric skillet, so I think we can move in. We should have our new gas stove hooked up by next week!
Hope you enjoyed catching up with why we have been so busy the past two weeks! Give thanks to God with us for all of His goodness to us, for His provision not only for our salvation and our lives, but that He puts us in spiritual families, no matter where we are in this world, and blesses us with every good thing that we need. Until next week, rest joyfully in His grace.
Melody and Tim
(for information on how you can be a part of ministering to Micronesian Islanders through the ministry of the Plaxtons at Pacific Islands Bible College, contact us at: meltim3@gmail.com
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