What keeps Tim the tool man going? Coffee!! Not news to anyone who knows him well! A good sized cup in the morning and he's off and ready to go! Come along and take a tour through some of the activities that keep Tim busy!

A woman recently donated TONS of books to our library. One of Tim's jobs has been to bring books to May, the librarian, for evaluation. He is also busy building a large set of shelves for the oversize books in the library.

One morning Tim came in and discovered this trail of termite leavings going up the wall between the offices and the girls' dorm. Needless to say, he got right on the phone to the exterminator. Thankfully, the problem was fairly

localized and has been "eliminated."
Trash? Yep! A lot of it. Tim routinely cleans up the grounds with a lot of help from the students. He has been training Dave, one of our Chuukese students, to keep the bush-cutters and mowers cleaned and maintained. He has also trained Dave in checking the machines and tools out and in on Work Days. (Each Monday is "work day" here.) The students do a terrific job of keeping the college cleaned up on those days!

Safety first! Keeping the campus vehicles (all 6 of them) well-maintained and registered is also a part of Tim's job. Registration here is done "in person." His last trip to register a car took 2 1/2 hours - not so different from California! In addition, he has to make sure all fire extinguishers in the on-campus and off-campus buildings are maintained and operable

. We have roughly 9 or 10 on campus buildings and an additional 3 off campus locations he has to keep track of and maintain. (Who knows the number of bathrooms, but plumbing seems to be his biggest foe!) Due to the distance between on and off-campus jobs, the four wheeler recently donated and shipped to Guam by a gentleman in California has been VERY helpful and saves Tim a lot of time and energy! Thank the Lord for this great gift!

Another area Tim oversees is that of campus security. Here you see one of our "security staff" at his post! Tim and his team of two students, Mo and Ken, make sure our security staff are well cared for!

Mo, pictured to the left with Tim, along with Ken (in the picture below with Tim) worked hard at installing insulation in between our classroom building's ceiling and roof. The result? Well, when those pounding rains come, teachers no longer have to stop teaching! They can now be heard - and the rooms stay cooler too!!!

Another lengthy project the guys worked on was converting an old 2 bedroom apartment behind the main office into more office space and a staff lounge. The work was ongoing for several weeks and is finally completed! The "old" staff lounge (where Tim found the termite trail) will be converted into our distance education office - so Tim, Mo, and Ken have definitely got job security!

Thanks for taking a tour through Tim's typical tasks! And thanks to those of you who have prayed for us over here at PIBC! Please keep our staff and students in prayer as we enter the middle of the semester - pray for us to keep our eyes on Jesus and focus on doing His work His way and resting in His provision of strength in all things! God bless! Tim and Melody
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