In my job as maintenance supervisor at PIBC, I have the opportunity to work with many different kinds of tools. Take the common hammer: It is an instrument of destruction. If you don't believe me, put one in the hands of a three year old boy for just a few minutes! In contrast, take that same hammer and couple it with nails and you have an instrument of construction, not destruction. At this time of year when we celebrate Christ's death, burial, and resurrection, I am reminded that
His church began with one hammer and three nails. Ultimately, it is Jesus, though, who builds the church now - He said that He would build his church and that even "the gates of hell" could not stand against it (Matthew 16:18). Now
that's construction! Have a blessed Resurrection Day!
~ "Tim the tool man" ~
1 comment:
this is really cool. i like the illustration a lot; it changes one's view on something that seemed so common.
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