Greetings from the same time zone! After our first year on the field, we are finally back in the U S of A - mainland, that is! Tim, Erin, and I enjoyed a first-time visit with my brother

and sister-in-law at their home on the "big island" in Hawaii. Though they have lived there over four years, we have never been able to see them. It was a blessing to stop over and let the jet lag go, drink some wonderful Kona coffee, catch up on things with Mark and Na

nnette, and enjoy the beauty of an island quite a big larger than the one we have been living on! What a lovely time we had - Erin and I had fun outrigger canoe paddling with Nannette and watching the sun rise over the island as we paddled around one of the bays. We also discovered that the geckos, though equally annoying in Hawaii, are infinitely more beautiful and colorful than those on Guam. Here you see a friendly one that stopped by our table to sample the jam when we were out to breakfast one morning.

After 5 short days, we were off on a "red eye" flight for California. Tim's brother Jon picked us up at LAX, treated us to breakfast (with
real milk!!), and took us up to Tim's mother's to drop of the

extra bags. After a short nap, Tim's brother Paul picked us up and we went to his and Marci's house in Yucaipa. We had an opportunity to give a brief update to their missions group at Trinity Church in Redlands as well as time to share photos and stories with them about how God is working in and through us at PIBC. Then we returned to the high dessert for more time with Tim's mother and to help her with a few projects around the house. We also had a couple of great family get-togethers.
But the best part

of our trip so far was the day our oldest daughter, Trina, arrived with our grandchildren! We were so excited all day as we awaited their arrival. At about 1:30 on Friday, their car pulled into Mom's driveway and they all tumbled out! We could hardly believe how much they had

grown in just 10 months! We are now all enjoying a visit with old friends from our former church in Southern California who have been faithful encouragers and supporters through this first year of ministry. We thank all of you for your prayers, encouragement and support and can't wait to add a visit with
you to our list of "favorite things we did" during our first trip back to the States. Pray that God would continue to lead us as we share the ministry of Pacific Islands Bible College that HE would direct those whom He has chosen to be a part of our team and that His work and will would continue to be the primary focus of our lives. "For from Him, and to Him, and through Him are all things; to Him be the glory forever and ever: Amen!" Romans 11:36
See you soon! Love, Tim and Melody
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