It's Friday before midterms here at PIBC - and this afternoon, I took a walk around campus and interviewed several students, asking them this question: "What are you doing this weekend?" Here are the answers I got from a few:

Meluat will be practicing for music ministry at the Palauan Church, studying for his Micronesian Church History midterm, and completing his final draft of a persuasive essay for English writing.

When I caught Molly, she was chatting away on the phone with her mom. Later, I asked her my survey question, and she told me she was looking forward to "Friday Night Lights" here on campus (volleyball, basketball and fellowship), doing her devotions, and studying for midterms on Monday.

T'nel is working this weekend (he's a lifeguard at Tarza Water Park in Tamuning) - but he's also looking forward to basketball, working on his Christian Literature and math homework, and studying for a midterm in Old Testament History.

When I went to the Bannex (girls dorm annex), Kita and Jayleen were enjoying their Friday afternoon listening to music, and Jayleen was eating a bowl of spicy noodles with Kool-aid powder mixed in (no sugar) - a favorite seasoning of the students. Kita (left) is looking forward to her cousin's wedding this weekend, spending time with her family, and studying for BIG midterms in Old Testament history and Doctrine 2. Jayleen (right) will enjoy "Friday Night Lights," going to help shop for food for the girls' dorm, helping coordinate plans for the "PIBC Days" teams (coming right before Easter), and practicing music for church.

I caught these two men as they came out of their math class this afternoon! TK (left) has homework to do in Youth and Children, Personality Development, and he is also preparing to do ministry at the Palauan Church. Fred (right) has to finish his homework for Christian Literature and study for his Personality Development midterm, but he is definitely going to take time to enjoy "Friday Night Lights" with his brothers and sisters in Christ!

Shelby (left) is also a part of the Youth and Children ministry team this weekend, so she'll be joining the many others who are organizing this event, as well as practicing a special song, "He Will Carry You," that she will be singing in her church this Sunday morning. In between, she plans to work on her essay for Micronesian Church History. Hadson (right) is going to be studying for Micronesian Church History, working on his final draft of a persuasive essay for English writing.

Sonny says that "it's just going to be a regular weekend." When I asked him to explain, he said that he's going to work at his church's "Kids' Club," spend a good deal of time studying, and then spend some time with his fiance', Ellilai. (see below)

Esther (left) has a busy weekend of running her boys to basketball games and participating in church activities. In addition, she'll be working on her paper for Micronesian Church History and studying for the midterm in Doctrine 2. Ellilai (right), engaged to Sonny (above) will be studying for her Micronesian Church History midterm, preparing a lesson to teach to the youth Bible study at her church, and of course, spending time with Sonny.

TJ (left) will attend "Friday Night Lights," and he also has a couple of shifts to work at the local "Wendy's" restaurant. In addition, he'll be working on a project for his math class. Marcus (right) has homework in his Church History class - a paper he needs to work on - but first, tonight, he'll attend "Friday Night Lights" (Can you tell this is a poplular weekly event with our students?). He will also be attending his niece's wedding - the same wedding mentioned by Kita.

Dave is working on his Youth and Children project with his classmates. Many of them are going to the Palauan Church to work with youth there, presenting Bible lessons and skits, and leading the children in songs and games. Dave is also looking forward to a visit with his mom who is on island this weekend!

T'nel, Marcus, and Molly have shared, but May-May (center front, in blue) dashed in to join this last picture and summed up what she'll be spending a LOT of time doing this weekend before midterms: "STUDYING!"
Pray for our students as they prepare for midterm exams and projects. They are a great group of men and women, and they really do appreciate your prayers!
Thanks for checking in! Next week, I hope to finally get some clips up of what I (Melody) have been doing! Blessings!
Melody and Tim
1 comment:
Im glad that it is not only me that will be having headache this weekend studying for the midterm next week. We share food, fellowship, blessings, and we do also share headaches. I like that.
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