Ah, the weather is always fine here on Guam! Car Wash, anyone? Recently our students had a car wash to help raise funds for this summer's mission trip to Thailand. This will be the third year we have sent a team of students to work alongside Campus Crusade there. Students spend time at local universities teaching conversational English and witnessing to students. Email me if you might be interested in contributing to this trip - donations are tax deductible!

Another recent activity for our students was a trip to the National Prayer luncheon held on Andersen Air Force Base a couple weeks ago. The students shared some vocal numbers while there. According to fellow missionary, Ned Farnsworth, one of the songs they performed was "God is so Good" in English, Palauan, Chuukese, Yapese and Marshallese. Ned reports, "We had students from each island group represented." They also were blessed to hear Guam's Lieutenant Governor speak.

We are REALLY happy to announce the repairs are complete on our second van! After nearly five months of waiting, the replacement part (a gas tank) finally arrived on island! The dealer got it installed and returned to campus . . . and our deans are so happy! No more trying to make one fifteen passenger van do for transporting students places, such as their many ministry responsibilities throughout the community, church, shopping, and other activities!
One "on site" ministry that several of our students perform is leading worship at chapel on

Tuesday and Friday mornings. Meluat and Leeman are seen here playing guitars - and Hedrick(not pictured) often officiates and takes turn playing bass or lead guitar with Meluat and Leeman. Sonny plays the piano, and different students fill in helping lead singing at the mic. This day, it happened to be Doug. Daisy (foreground) often runs the projector that displays the lyrics. We are blessed to have so many talented and willing servants to plan and conduct worship time here on campus.

We also have small groups of students who periodically volunteer to sing special songs in chapel. This is one of my and Tim's favorite events: when students sing for chapel. This group of men and women sang a really beautiful song recently. Sometimes it is a small group that performs while other times the group is so large there are not many students left seated! :-D It is always a joy to hear the students perform a song that has blessed them . . . and it, in turn, blesses us!
Recently we had a lunch on campus to bid farewell to Hollie (center of couch in the purple shirt),

a young woman who has volunteered here at PIBC for the past two years. Hollie and her husband, Aaron (Air Force), have been a large part of life at PIBC. Hollie has worked with our students in ministry development, campus life, has planned numerous activities along with other staff members, including Spiritual Emphasis weekends and staff retreats, and has just been a HUGE all around blessing to us all. She and Aaron returned to the States last month! We miss them both!
Okay: Time for our most recent "O.O.G." ("Only On Guam") report. Tim was in the

library a couple of weeks ago as a student was walking out . . . and as the student came out, the library door literally fell off the hinges!! It turns out that the entire hinge assembly had corroded from the inside out and the door chose this particular moment to completely give way! The quick-thinking student grabbed the door and another student came and tried to help him put the door back - Tim came over and told them it was beyond "putting back" - and he then had to repair the door. There were no more hinge assemblies like these on island (naturally), so he had to rob another nearby door for a temporary repair. (Yes, Tim has "job security" here!)

One last photo I'd like to share is a picture of the little ones at our church. This is not the best quality photograph, but it's a picture of our pastor, Jeff Johnson, sharing the "children's sermon" from a couple of Sundays ago. For the past several weeks, Jeff has used plastic eggs and their contents (miniature symbols of the events of the story of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ) to teach the children about these events. He's done it at Sunday morning and mid-week services, and it has been amazing to see the children remember what each egg has had in it and what that "symbol" represents. What a wonderful way to teach them about the gospel!
Wherever you are as you read this, before or after April 12, may God bless you with renewed hope and joy in Him as you celebrate our Risen Lord! May you rejoice as you declare in your life that "He is risen!!!" Yes, He is risen, indeed!
(Check back in a few days for an update on Melody's trip to Palau!)
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