Tuesday, October 27, 2009

More on Spiritual Emphasis Days

Once the weather cleared (see "Plan B" in the last entry from 2 weeks ago), our campus moved to Bayview Church to continue our Spiritual Emphasis Days retreat. Guest Speaker, Matt Augee, soon had the students mingling in an interactive activity. Matt had a lot of great activities and messages to emphasize the unity, cooperation, and oneness that the body of Christ should have.

There were lots of smiles and just as much fun and laughter . . .

. . . and some serious moments as well as students thought about the analogy of the tennis balls: they come in many sizes and colors and shapes, but they are all tennis balls.

Dan's point was that Christians all come in many sizes, colors, and shapes - we don't all look the same or speak the same language, but God loves us all, and we should love and accept one another as brothers and sisters. It was a good lesson for all.

Spiritual Emphasis Days were effective for so many of our students. Some of them testified in chapel last Friday that God had convicted them to reach outside of their "comfort zones" and connect with our newer, non-islander students from China, Taiwan, and Korea.

Another young man testified of how he had known about God all his life, but had never had strong relationships with his family members or with God. His speaking touched us all as he haltingly shared that he wanted to have a strong relationship with God and draw closer to Him.

Please continue to pray for the staff and students at Pacific Islands University: that all of us would glorify God in our daily lives and that our students would continue to learn more and more how to walk with God daily, trusting Him for all of their needs in all things at all times - that they would truly learn to "live Jesus" in all they think and say and do.

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