They say that it's always good to have a "plan B" - whoever, "they" are! Anyway, PIU's Spiritual Emphasis Days planners definitely had a "plan B!" Today, we were supposed to kick off with lunch at an outdoor venue (Bayview Church), but due to a tropical storm skirting our area, we started with lunch on campus - lots of laughing, smiles, and fun. No one seemed to mind the change too much! Later today, we'll be off to Bayview as the weather clears to hear Matt Augee speak. But earlier today, we were still on campus for food, fun, and fellowship!
We had some great activities! A group relay race
was first - here's a true action shot! It involved fishing for Lifesavers in flour (with mouths!), shuffling across the room in paper bag slipp
Following the relay race was a good "old fashioned" watermelon eating contest. Meluat definitely won, but everyone gave him some good competition, including Justin, from our community group. (I think the fact that we did this contest after lunch slowed things down a bit!!)
Regardless, everyone had a great time!
No shortage of smiles here!
Scroll down to see
more of our students!
Pray for us all, students
and staff alike, to hear
from God over the next
two days - that we would be sensitive to His speaking
to us through the scriptures and the speaker at the retreat.
Check back here early next week for more photos of Spiritual Emphasis Days at PIU! :-)
1 comment:
No shoes! I was born and lived on Oahu, Hawaii until I was 6 and we hardly ever wore shoes! Your pics bring back great childhood memories! When we moved to the states, we still did not wear shoes... it probably looked strange running around Sacramento without them! My mom said we ran into the house one day said "we need shoes, our feet are cold!" We have been "shoed" ever since...
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