Another week of mostly-rainy-rarely-sunny weather has come and gone, along with some good stuff and tough stuff.
First we heard that we may temporarily lose our campus director due to some technical difficulties (do we hate that phrase?) with INS. Jens is from Germany and it
looks like he and his wife, Karin, who works full time in our office, will have to return there for 6-12 months. Pray for them as they walk through this difficulty.
In addition, Dave and Joyce's house was broken into and
The bright spots of the past week were the PIBC barbecue and fellowship at Ypau beach with students and staff, and a huge "Oktoberfest" potluck at the church. Both events were filled with opportunities to fellowship with other believers, eat lots of good food and relax!
We also received the news that it looks like we are going to be in our own home by the end of November and maybe by Thanksgiving! Here are a few photos of the house and yard. We will be living about ten miles from campus out in the "country," which means "jungle" here! Come see us! We'll have a guest room!
We are also eagerly looking forward to having Dale and Marion Cundall (our pastor for 20 years and his wife) on island for several months as they visit Dave and Joyce (they are Joyce's parents). In addition, we were recently able to acquire plane tickets for Erin to join us for 3 weeks at Christmas for "free," using our Continental Airline points. She is really enjoying teaching at Bethania school in Palau (campus below left; Erin below right) but is looking forward to some time with family and friends here on Guam where she served her college cross-cultural internship three and a half years ago.
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