One of our first Christmas blessings was a visit from Dale and Marion Cundall (here from October until Dale's projects are completed). They brought us a beautiful red hibiscus for in front of our house, and also brought a lovely bright pink bougainvillea that Joyce grew for us! In addition, Dale brought a handy little device (a big auger) for drilling a pot-sized hole in the coral-riddled soil and planted the hibiscus for us! It is producing quite prolifically!
Christmas Eve, we were invited by Hollie and Aaron (Hollie - PIBC faculty; Aaron - US Navy helicopter pilot stationed at Andersen Air Force base 5 minutes from our house) to a morning of relaxing and fishing at a beach on base followed by breakfast at their home. What a blessed and sweet time of relaxing!
Tim and I loved our Christmas gifts from "home" in California! Tim
We were blessed to have daughter, Erin, with us for Christmas from 12/13 until after New Year's Day.
Andrew, another American teacher from the boys' campus, Emmaus, was able to join us for Christmas and some rest and relaxation; both of them enjoyed having some time
Trips, tours, and treats included:
An outing
Fun, fellowshiping and feasting at the Owen's house, along with a few feisty games of dominoes
A boat trip to Cocos Island, about 2 miles off the south end of the island, where we were free
Our semester "break" for Christmas and New Year's wasn't all fun and games! Check back in a few days for photos of some of our projects!
God bless you well and a blessed and Happy New Year to all.
Love, Tim, Melody, and Erin (back on Palau)
1 comment:
The pictures are awesome! It looks like you guys are having fun.
How is school stuff?
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