Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Where have we been????

Many of you have probably wondered what we've been up to for four weeks with no updates! ah! Busy with celebrating our Lord's birth, resting, fellowshipping, and preparing the campus and classwork for a new semester! Here is a quick photo tour of December 25th through January 1st. I will enter a January update later this week or weekend! Hope you enjoy the sights and sounds of Christmas on Guam: no snow, but lots of sun and much needed rest and fellowship!

One of our first Christmas blessings was a visit from Dale and Marion Cundall (here from October until Dale's projects are completed). They brought us a beautiful red hibiscus for in front of our house, and also brought a lovely bright pink bougainvillea that Joyce grew for us! In addition, Dale brought a handy little device (a big auger) for drilling a pot-sized hole in the coral-riddled soil and planted the hibiscus for us! It is producing quite prolifically!

Christmas Eve, we were invited by Hollie and Aaron (Hollie - PIBC faculty; Aaron - US Navy helicopter pilot stationed at Andersen Air Force base 5 minutes from our house) to a morning of relaxing and fishing at a beach on base followed by breakfast at their home. What a blessed and sweet time of relaxing!

Tim and I loved our Christmas gifts from "home" in California! Tim especially loved his Starbuck's Christmas Blend!!! (Thanks, Caleb!)

We were blessed to have daughter, Erin, with us for Christmas from 12/13 until after New Year's Day.
Andrew, another American teacher from the boys' campus, Emmaus, was able to join us for Christmas and some rest and relaxation; both of them enjoyed having some time to access Internet resources for their classes after Christmas since their Internet access in Palau is slow and limited. Here you see that they both love their stockings filled with their favorite treats!

Trips, tours, and treats included:

An outing to a local "outlook" at Two Lovers Point that sports a beautiful garden and incredible view of Tumon Bay

Fun, fellowshiping and feasting at the Owen's house, along with a few feisty games of dominoes

A boat trip to Cocos Island, about 2 miles off the south end of the island, where we were free
from all modern interruptions for an entire day! Here are photos of Erin on the boat, Dale and Marion on the dock as we arrived, and below, one of the birds in the aviary on the island. We had a day of reading, talking, walking along the beach, swimming, collecting shells, and even napping before we called it a day.

Our semester "break" for Christmas and New Year's wasn't all fun and games! Check back in a few days for photos of some of our projects!
God bless you well and a blessed and Happy New Year to all.

Love, Tim, Melody, and Erin (back on Palau)

email: meltim3@gmail.com

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The pictures are awesome! It looks like you guys are having fun.

How is school stuff?