If you have checked Dave and Joyce Owen's blog, you have already seen the weather maps that show what we have coming our way in the next few days: a LOT of weather!! This photo shows how the campus was already starting to experience flooding before the major front has hit! We are due to have about 4" of rain in the next 24 hours (the edge of a tropical storm south of us) - but there is another system developing out by Ponepei that may reach typhoon proportions by the time it hits the Marianas in about 2+ days. We have a lot to do to get the campus ready and keep the students safe and well-provided for. Pray for this to all go well!
Backing up a couple of days, this past Saturday afternoon, September 26, PIU met with the Lutheran Church of Guam for the third annual Sports Challenge (photos below):

LCG really did a great job of beating PIU at basketball this year . . . but our student, Doug, is also the youth pastor at LCG . . . and he played on their team . So how do we figure that one out????

The volleyball game started well! PIU was well ahead of LCG when a downpour hit, so the game was called and LCG forfeited to PIU . . . so the teams were "one and one" even!

One spectator was not put off by the rain in the least! (After all, it was about 83 degrees!) Little Amelia, daughter of Liebenzell missionaries Ned and Marisol, decided to independently enter the swimming competition . . . on the ball court! I would say by the look on her face that she won!!

While Amelia swam, the tug-o-war teams of LCG and PIU tugged and slid, tugged and slid, and by the third tie-breaking round of tug-o-war, PIU defeated LCG!

Wet and tired but happy, all the participants came together to enjoy a barbecue, followed by music and devotions in the chapel. During this time, LCG Pastor Jeff awarded the trophy to T'nel, PIU's student representative. The trophy will be returned to the PIU office for another year. SO, LCG-ers . . . NEXT year, you'll have another chance!!
I hope you enjoyed our update - stay tuned for a report next week on how we weathered the storms . . . IF we have power! :-) God bless you well!
Tim and Melody
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